Dietrich started out as a creative director and loves to dive into a variety of cultures when behind the lens as a director. He has worked with some fantastic brands all over the world including Vodaphone (JWT) in Cairo, Flamingo Casino (BBDO) in Los Angeles, and Sony Xperia Play in South Africa. Dietrich's commercials are a combination of seamless surreal action, observational humour and photographic composition. He brings a unique style to each project working in a combination of media and technologies to create his final images including CGI and subtle post production.
Dietrich has worked with agencies including BETC Paris, Herezie, BBDO, DDB, Jung von Matt, Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy and JWT. His work has garnered numerous awards with features in Shots, Bestadsontv, Creative Reviews and Shootonline. He has shot with global brands including Ford, Sony, Skoda, Vodafone, Mercedes, Nivea, Renault, Burger King, Mars, Snickers, Vichy and McDonald's.